The team behind NULL Motion Community asked us once again to create the opening titles for the second installment of NULL FEST 2020 , The only one animation festival at Ecuador.
Our role was to introduce all the speakers, We have a free pass to make whatever we want for it the only requirement is that have something related to the Manifiesto of the brand and the new give some kind of concept link to the Branding developed by Luna Lunares Studio. So we really want to make a piece that we can experiment with 2D and 3D and leave our friends and the community with something to talk about
So we propose to make this little short . THE CALL ( EL LLAMADO )
Unfortunately the COVID change the world as we knew it and the event was put it on Stand by and finally cancelled.
But we really enjoy working on this We would have loved to finish it but circumstances did not allow it, anyway we wanted to share the work done with you. hoping you like it.

Null Fest Manifiesto 2020 / Made by Luna Lunares and Non Studio.

An ancient Shaman invokes the mystical spirit of Fire, the same magical one that has been witness and Guardian of knowledge for generations.
Once the spirit of the Shelter is summoned, initiate a call to the different characters who will share their wisdom in a Ritual of Friendship and Union.
From Different Places it is seen how completely unimaginable beings begin to come out, the same ones who come to the call.
Traveling to the point where the Shaman is.
Once the 8 mystical beings have arrived, the Shaman begins the Ritual by blowing magical powders towards the spirit of Fire.
Starting this way, the NULL 2020 Event begins.
Once the spirit of the Shelter is summoned, initiate a call to the different characters who will share their wisdom in a Ritual of Friendship and Union.
From Different Places it is seen how completely unimaginable beings begin to come out, the same ones who come to the call.
Traveling to the point where the Shaman is.
Once the 8 mystical beings have arrived, the Shaman begins the Ritual by blowing magical powders towards the spirit of Fire.
Starting this way, the NULL 2020 Event begins.


Boardmatic made with Lay Outs before pass to Animatic Stage.


Animation Pencil Test WIP.